Saturday 30 July 2011

18 July - Broome and Dampier Peninsula

Start of Kimberley trip proper. Couple of days in Broome to restock on supplies and of to the Dampier Penisula for almost two weeks.

- Great camping at Quondong Point Whale watching, swimming and walking on the rocks for a couple of days
- Great swimming and reef walking at low tide at Middle Lagoon
- Amazing red cliffs at Kooljama (Cape Leveque) and beatiful long white beaches
- Day trip to the Aboriginal community at One Am Point, checking out the Hatchery and Cygnet bay pearl farm
- Best of the area was our stay with the Ganbaman Aboriginal Community fishing, swmiing, spear fishing (great Coral Trouts), exploring Sunday Island, canoeing through the mangroves.... perfect.

Back to Broome to restock and off again to the Fitzroy River

Middle Lagoon at low tide

Cape Leveque red cliffs

Cape Leveque Beach

Sunday Island

SUnday Island beach

Cygnet Bay

One Arm Point

Mangrove at Gambaman

Stairway to the moon at Broome

Thursday 14 July 2011

8 July - Barn Hill

Barn Hill is a Cattle Station camping ground 135km south of Broome right on the beach. Magnificent beaches, cliffs and rock formation, plenty of fish and great swimming. Got plenty of fish spearing, bush walks and ocean canoe trips.... still here after a week, leaving next Monday for Broome.


Cliffs are full of caves and sinkholes

with bats

7 July - Travel to Barn Hill, stop at Goldwire

1st overnight stay at a roadside 24hr Camping stop.... let's not do that again. (Too busy)

2 July - Cape Keraudren

Back on the coast, camping right on the water on the inlet at Cape Keraudren. Beautiful whites beaches, rock pools, sand dunes. Fishing, some swimming (start of croc area) and beach combing...lots and lots of shells and big tides.

Camping at low tides

Camping at High Tide

Lea fishing at any tide

The beach

Tonnes of shells

and sandunes

1 July - Coongan Gorge at Doolena Gap

Bush camping at Coongan Gorge on the way to Port Hedland to get supplies. Lots of birds so far inland. Then onwards to Cape Kerandren.
oho, bottle shop only sells wine casks from 2pm??? that's a new one.

That will do

Doolena Gap

Pelicans? out here?

Playing with 500mm lens

Ord Ranges

27 June - Carrawine Gorge

Carrawine Gorge is an isolated water hole at the foot of 100mtr cliffs in the middle of the desert, 200km East of Marble Bar and a part of Warrawagine Station. Perfect camping initially on our own, then joined by a couple of other like-minded camper. Canoeing, swimming and climbing, water full of fish, a real gem!

Campsite from water

Carrawine Gorge


Upstream from top

Downstream from top

I think we'll stay here for a while

Backyard view

Top of cliff

26 June - Marble Bar Glen Herring Gorge

Travel from Karijini to Marble Bar via back road, which has just been graded. Stayed at Glen Herring Gorge near Marble Bar on our way to Carrawine Gorge.

Quartz vein on hill - Woodstock-Marble Bar Road

Woodstock-Marble Bar Road

Camping at Glen Herring

Glen Herring Gorge

Marble Bar old Gold Mine