Saturday 3 January 2015

Final Entry for 2014 trip

After leaving Alice, we headed down the old Ghan railway line to Chambers Pillar

The old railways line has been graded into a road, but the old railway spikes are still laying around to play havoc on your tyres....

And the track is pretty isolated

The bull dust at Finke was pretty intense

Dalhousie Spring was interesting but way too hot - air 44degrees, water 35degrees, complete with biting fish... too hot even at night

The springs feed the desert, and there's a little green for a while

and thees strange mossy plants

The abandoned Dalhousie Homestead has been restored

These unusual blood trees flake off in the heat

Oodnadatta roadhouse... looked after by an english backpacker???

The Painted desert near Oodnadatta

Painted desert from Space

This moonscape region near Coober Peddy has been used for SCIFI movies

It's covered with these crystal fragments

Onto Coober Pedy and the breakaways

Opal mine tailing dumps

The Town

South into the Lake Gairdner region

Banded brown snake

Lake Gairdner

Gawler range National Park

and finally Ceduna for one night before racing off home

3.5 day drive to home